Коронавирус в мальте на 24 декабря 2020 года

Queries and travel questions Answered

Date Last Updated: 18th December 2020

Find out the latest news about Malta Coronavirus. Following increasing awareness regarding the outbreak of a novel coronavirus COVID-19 we have put up this page with interesting information that can help you plan your visit to Malta, what you have to do and how to take care of yourself.

The page is updated according to:

  • Government of Malta Websites
  • Press conferences held by the Prime Minister of Malta
  • Legal Notices
  • World Health Organisation — WHO
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – ECDC


Tips On How To Reduce The Spread Of Coronavirus

How does the virus spread?

The virus spreads when a sick person sneezes without using a protection in front of his mouth. The person drops droplets which spread out onto a healthy person or persons around him and come in touch with your eyes, nose or mouth.


  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath

If you have these symptoms, do not panic! These symptoms can also indicate any number of other illnesses including the cold, flu, and other viral infections.

According to the Center for Disease Control you must

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for not less than 20 seconds
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you cannot wash your hands
  • Keep your
     — 2 metres is recommended safe.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

So points to

  • Avoid crowds because you do not know who might be sick.
  • A sick person who
    can be around you can get a variety of things around him and around you infected with his saliva through his hands or
    through sneezing.
  • Carry around a hand sanitizer especially if you are going to touch the following things: door
    knobs, public transport buses, digital devices, telephones, tissues, pens,
    pencils, computer mouse, key pad, lift buttons, handrails and staircases,
  • So one has to be
    careful and washes his hands as soon as possible after having touched or
    visited public places.
  • Viruses remain on
    objects for up to 24 hours
    , and the only way to get rid of them is through
    proper washing of hands.

There are four main precautions which you should follow:

  1. Do not touch your face or anyone else’s face if your hands are dirty. If you need to do so first wash your hands very well.
  2. You should not use a mouth mask for more than a day. Bacteria grows on the inner side of the mask if you wear them for too long.
  3. Food should not be shared apart from utensils, glasses, plates, towels, sponges. Use a serving spoon.
  4. The most important rule, always wash your hands as many times you feel it is required especially before touching food and utensils in your kitchen, before eating and after coming back from public places.

График заражений коронавирусом Мальта на 24 Декабря 2020 года

Коронавирус Мальта последние новости, обстановка сегодня

По официальным данным на 24 Декабря 2020 — Мальта, коронавирусом заражено более 11992 человек. Летальность составила 1.68% от общего количество тех, кто заболел. На сегодня вылечили 10293 человек. Количество смертей от коронавируса в Мальта составляет 201 человек.

Коронавирус Мальта онлайн распространение инфекции на яндекс карте в реальном времени. Обстановка и последние новости от пользователей по последним событиям Мальта, сегодня в заметках на карте Мальта.

Мальта ситуация с начала эпидемии: случаев заражения 11992, умерло 201, вылечились 10293

Мальта ситуация на сегодня: случаев заражения 82, умерло 5, вылечились 132

Распространение коронавируса на карте в соседних странах:
, Италия
, Иран
, Испания
, Германия
, Южная Корея
, Франция

Случаи заражения и статистика больных коронавирусом Мальта

ситуация с начала эпидемии: случаев заражения 11992, умерло 201, вылечились 10293

ситуация на сегодня: случаев заражения 82, умерло 5, вылечились 132







Карта самоизоляции онлайн!

Карта распространения



Коронавирус: почему важно остаться дома?

Как защититься от коронавируса?

Чем симптомы коронавируса отличаются от симптомов гриппа?

Помогают ли маски от коронавируса?

Нужно ли запасаться продуктами из-за коронавируса?

Когда и чем все может закончиться?

Почему некоторые умирают от коронавируса, а другие нет?

Вырабатывается ли иммунитет у переболевших коронавирусом?

Почему не тестируют заболевших ОРВИ на коронавирус?

Можно ли повторно подхватить коронавирус после излечения?

Чем лучше обрабатывать квартиру, чтобы не заболеть коронавирусом?

ТОП 30 вопросов с ответами

Видео в прямом эфире



What’s the situation in Malta right now?

Is Malta on lock down?

  • No, Malta currently is not on lock down anymore.
  • Schools are to open as from September 2020.
  • MATSEC Examinations:  Orals, practicals and listening exams are officially postponed.
  • Churches are open to the public, but precautions are being taken.
  • All external events have been cancelled by the government and private entities including weddings, St. Patrick’s day and all other activities were people gather together.
  • All old peoples homes both government and private are closed for visits. Only emergency visits are allowed and screening will be affected if you visit.

hospital visits & outpatients

  • All visitors shall be screened before entering the hospital. Due to this expect
    some waiting time.
  • It is advised that anyone who is feeling unwell
    should not go.
  • Others who returned from countries identified
    by the Maltese Public Health Department as being at risk should stay back from visiting.
  • All
    entrances are being provided with sanitisers and tempreture checks and everyone is advised to wash their
    hands before entering and before leaving.

Screening will be held at:

  • Main Entrance Door
  • Day-care Units
  • Outpatients Department
  • Accident & Emergency Department
  • Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre
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